Sunday, August 12, 2012

A mind in motion.

   Getting healthy is not an exercise DVD, is not made in the kitchen, or even found outside running.  Getting healthy is a complete lifestyle change, 
and a commitment to that change.
   It means eating food that is good for you (even if it tastes horrible) and ignoring the cravings for the food that is bad for you (no matter how good it tastes).  It means doing doing your exercise everyday, even if you're tired or had a bad day.  It means explaining why you can only drink water (or milk) while everyone is having beer and margaritas.
    Getting healthy means you will have your bad days where you eat whatever you want and don't workout- just because.  We're human, it happens.
Just make sure you get yourself back up.

   Getting healthy has to be self-motivated.  If there is no burning drive inside of you there will always be an excuse for why you didn't start today.
   And when you look in the mirror, don't be disappointed if your 6-pack abs didn't grow overnight.  Instead track your progress mentally; push a little harder, go a little longer, run a little bit faster.
  Days, weeks, months will pass and every drop of sweat rolling off you is another measure of your success.  Until one day someone says to you,
         "You look so toned, are you losing weight?"
   Let that pride fill you and fuel you for the next day.  Let there be unabashed happiness in your response of "Yes I am."

   Now, I'm no fitness guru.  And I don't always eat the right food or give my body the right things it needs.  I am just one person, on a journey to a healthier me.  A me who isn't self-conscious or ashamed of their body.
   I look to the people around me for motivation and support, and I am lucky enough to receive both in abundance from both family and friends.
   I am a writer, and I want to give my story the best ending I could.  When I made the decision to get healthy I was not overweight, I don't have high cholesterol, I've never even broken a bone (my biggest health problem is my "asthma").  That's why I say I'm getting healthy instead of losing weight (that's just an added bonus).
   I was simply tired of looking at myself in the mirror and knowing that I was wasting this amazing thing called my body.  I needed a challenge.

And this is it.

   I invite you to take this journey, however and for whatever reasons, to a better you.  But it needs to come from within.  You have to want it more than anything you've wanted before.
And when you're ready to take that journey,
my voice will always be there,
cheering you on.

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